Useful Information

Booking The Accommodation
It’s easy. There are 3 ways to do it:
Call our dedicated booking line on 0800 652 7844 to reserve your accommodation or to arrange a viewing, specifying the location.
Call the number of the property you wish to stay at.
Or if you’re passing the property, you can just pop in.
How do I cancel or re-arrange my viewing?
If you wish to cancel or re-arrange your viewing please contact the Hospitality Team at your chosen location or call our dedicated booking line on 0800 652 7844.
Can I book a room without a viewing?
Yes, however, on arrival should you wish to change your room, this would be subject to an additional administration cost and availability.
Which cities are you located in?
We are spread across the UK. Visit our locations page to see our property locations.
Booking the accommodation
You can reserve your room today at one of our fabulous locations simply by going to your chosen location and selecting the “book now” button. This will then take you into our online booking system and a few short easy steps will enable you to reserve your room and sign your tenancy agreement on line. Please be aware that if you are using a Guarantor, the booking will not be complete until they too have signed your accommodation contract and we have sent you confirmation.
We do not treat any person or group of persons applying for accommodation less favourably in accordance with the protected characteristics as set out in the Equality Act 2010: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Where possible, a student’s preferences will be observed although this cannot be guaranteed.
Student Allocation Policy
View our Student Allocation Policy
Mansion Student Equality and Diversity Statement
View the Mansion Student Equality and Diversity Statement
What is the Security Deposit?
The Security Deposit is payable as part of our process to reserve a room. Once this fee is paid, no one else can book that room, provided that you sign and return your documentation within the required timescales. Failure to do this may result in your chosen room being released for re-sale.
It is also security against any damage to the accommodation, unpaid rent or other charges. The Security Deposit is secured in our chosen government recognised scheme; My Deposits (MD), until the end of your period of stay with us. The amount paid is returned to you via MD at the end of the tenancy subject to any outstanding rent or damage charges.
The deposit schemes in place are custodial schemes that protect a tenants deposit and the scheme administrator holds your deposit until it is required to be paid back.
For properties in Scotland, deposits will be secured in My Deposits Scotland, a Custodial Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme operated by Tenancy Deposits (Scotland) Limited and approved by the Scottish Government.
Booking Fee; where this is applicable, this is not treated as a Security Deposit and is non-refundable. (Please refer to our cancellation policy).
Do you provide summer accommodation?
We do provide summer accommodation at some of our properties. Please enquire directly with your chosen location or see the website for details.
I am a part-time student – can I live in Mansion Student Accommodation?
Part-time students can live at Mansion Student providing they have student status. Part-time students may not qualify for Council Tax exemption and will therefore be liable to pay their own council tax charges. We strongly recommend that you check your position with your University or College before you make a booking with us, as you may find yourself liable to Council Tax payments if your course does not qualify you.
ANUK/Unipol National Code of Standards for Student Accommodation
Mansion Student operates to conform with the ANUK/Unipol National Code of Standards for Student Accommodation (The Code) which is designed to regulate and bring large student landlords into line to deliver a distinct set of standards to students. Accreditation schemes are voluntary schemes that good landlords join to demonstrate that they provide good quality accommodation.
The National Code of Standards is fully supported by NUS who are a key stakeholder and have representation on the management and complaints procedures of the Code.
The Code will act as a student accommodation quality guide and, it is recommended that if you have a choice, always rent from a landlord who has joined the Code.
Best practice in day to day management is supported and recognised;
Your contract is clearly written, stating what you are paying for and how much your rent is, with reasonable terms and no hidden costs;
Your accommodation is fully prepared for you when you arrive to take up residence;
Your accommodation meets with a set of nationally recognised standards in respect of service provision, furniture and fittings;
All repairs and maintenance are carried out within agreed timescales
Your building will meet with required health and safety standards
If a deposit is charged, it will be lodged with an appropriate Deposit Scheme and it will be returned to you promptly at the end of the year or you will be given a clear explanation of why a deduction has been made;
You will be given information to explain what management routines are followed in the buildings;
A set and accountable procedure for dealing with any disputes or complaints will be in operation.
For more info on ANUK/Unipol National Code of Standards for Student Accommodation, please visit
Deposit Information
What happens to my Security Deposit?
Mansion Student secures your deposit with My Deposits (MD).
You will receive an e-mail from MD (depending on which site you have booked to reside and which scheme used) to confirm that the money has been secured with them and they will provide you with a Deposit ID and a Repayment ID this information is important and you will need it at the end of your stay. Please ensure that you keep it safe.
How is my Security Deposit returned to me?
At the end of your stay with us, you will be invited to organise a check out inspection of your flat/room with the Hospitality Team on your site. This is your opportunity to discuss with the Team any damages or other charges on your account and agree any charges if applicable. If you are unable to attend a check out inspection, you will be able to take advantage of our fast-track check out and the flat inspection will be conducted in your absence.
Mansion Student will then instruct MD (as appropriate) to pay back the Security Deposit to you, less any agreed charges, to your nominated bank account. This is when your Deposit ID and Repayment ID will be required, (as indicated). There are four basic steps to the process, see below.
In the event that subsequent charges cannot be agreed, MD will offer an arbitration service.
Mansion Student will instruct My Deposits (MD) to release your deposit (subject to any outstanding rent or check out charges).
Mansion Student will email you within 28 days of your check out to confirm step 1 is complete and to advise of the next action you should take.
On receipt of our instruction, MD will contact you promptly by email or post to advise you to log on to their website to reclaim/release your deposit.
You will arrange with MD where and how you want the money to be paid. MD state that it will take up to 10 calendar days to repay this money to you (although international bank transfers may take longer).
My Deposits (MD)
This is our chosen scheme to protect your Security Deposit during your stay with us. Please follow the link for more information and their terms and conditions:
For properties in Scotland, deposits will be secured in My Deposits Scotland, a Custodial Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme operated by Tenancy Deposits (Scotland) Limited and approved by the Scottish Government.
Booking Fee: If you have paid a booking fee this is non-refundable and is not treated as a security deposit by Mansion Student.
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy for 24/25
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy (Scotland) for 24/25
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy for 25/26
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy (Scotland) for 25/26
Property Redress Scheme
Mansion Student are proud members of the Property Redress Scheme –
Client Money Protect
Mansion Student is a member of Client Money Protect for Landlords and Tenants –
Click to view our CMP Membership Certificate
Contract Information
Terms and conditions
View our Student Terms & Conditions for 23/24
View our Student Terms & Conditions (Scotland) for 23/24
View our Non-Student Terms & Conditions for 23/24
View our Student Terms & Conditions for 24/25
View our Student Terms & Conditions (Scotland) for 24/25
View our Non-Student Terms & Conditions for 24/25
Can I move in before the start date?
This may be possible at some locations, but you should speak to the Hospitality Team at your chosen location in the first instance to discuss you requirements.
Can I extend my contract length?
This may be possible at some locations, but you should speak to the Hospitality Team at your chosen location in the first instance to discuss your requirements.
Can I shorten my contract length or pull out of my contract?
No, unless you are able to find a replacement tenant, as defined in the Terms and Conditions of your Accommodation Contract.
Your contract is a legally binding document and you should make sure that you read the terms, understand them and are willing to comply with them throughout your stay. Ask for help from someone more experienced if there is anything you are not sure about or contact us with any queries.
What happens to my contract if I leave University for any reason?
You must notify us immediately if your student status changes or you leave University. You will still be responsible for the rent until you or we find a replacement tenant for your Accommodation. We shall assist you in this once all our other Accommodation is taken.
Changes to tenancy
There is a £50.00 variation of tenancy payment to cancel a signed Accommodation Contract or make changes to a signed Accommodation Contract – for example changing your Guarantor details.
Cancellation Policy
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy for 24/25
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy (Scotland) for 24/25
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy for 25/26
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy (Scotland) for 25/26
These details are also contained in the contract terms and conditions
Arrears Policy
Find out more about our Arrears Policy
These details are also contained in the contract terms and conditions.
Internet Policy
Mansion Student will not permit the use of the internet for the transmission or receipt of material which is considered to be offensive, in breach of policies on equal opportunities and harassment, discrimination and bullying. Examples of such unacceptable use may include, amongst other things:
The transmission or receipt of materials which is to the possible detriment of the Company’s systems or is to the possible detriment of other users;
The transmission of text, which in the opinion of the Company, is considered abusive, insulting or offensive, harassing or of a sexual nature or other unacceptable conduct which may reflect adversely upon the user and/or the Company.
If any breach of policy is discovered Mansion Student will not hesitate to refer offenders to the police if appropriate.
If the student does not comply with this policy, or if any payment due under the Student’s contract for the Accommodation is 14 or more days overdue, Mansion Student may suspend or terminate the internet service without liability to the Student.
What is a Guarantor?
A guarantor is a person who is willing to pay the rent plus any other applicable charges, including damages, if the student is unable to do so.
Our Accommodation Contract Terms and Conditions define a Guarantor as “an adult (other than the Tenant): a) whose only or main residence is in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; and b) who satisfies MPM’s reasonable requirements regarding evidence of their identity, place of residence and occupation; c) who will guarantee the Tenant’s performance of his/her obligations in the Tenant’s contract with MPM including the payment of Accommodation Fees; and d) who will indemnify (pay compensation to) MPM against any claim, loss or expense arising from the Tenant’s failure to comply with his/her obligations.“
Who can be a Guarantor?
A guarantor must be a permanent UK resident over the age of 25 and financially independent. Full time employment preferred.
They must be able to provide proof of residence in the form of a council tax bill, utility bill or bank statement which is no more than three months old.
The UK includes England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. It does not include the Republic of Ireland (Southern Ireland) Channel Islands (Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Herm, Brechou, Jethou and Lihou) and the Isle of Man.
A guarantor can be a family member, other relative or friend if they meet the above qualifying criteria.Other students are not permissible.
We understand that not all students are able to provide a qualifying Guarantor. For these students, there is the option to employ a professional Guarantor service. If required, we can provide information regarding this.
What does a Guarantor need to do?
A guarantor will be required to sign a copy of the offer section of the Accommodation Contract and understand their liabilities in this regard.
Car parking
If your location has parking facilities, then these can be booked on a first come, first served basis and will be subject to an additional agreement and charges. We recommend that you book early to avoid disappointment. Please speak directly with your Hospitality Team on site.
Can visitors park on site?
Yes. Visitors can park on site if your accommodation has a car park and subject to availability. This should be arranged in advance with your Hospitality Team.
Complaints Procedure
View the Mansion Student 24/25 Complaints procedure
View the Mansion Student 25/26 Complaints procedure
Accommodation Information
What is a Hospitality Team?
Every Mansion Student property has been assigned to a dedicated team of staff who are experienced and trained in the day-to-day operation and management of student accommodation. Our priority is the well-being and safety of all our student residents and this team, called our Hospitality Team, will advise students on a wide range of issues such as dealing with homesickness and flat conflicts.
The team normally consists of a Hospitality Manager, Hospitality Assistant, Facilities Assistant and a Housekeeper. Together they will look after you for the duration of your stay and will be introduced to you on your arrival at your chosen location.
Students living in the accommodation are encouraged to apply for positions of Student Wardens and the successful applicants are trained by the Hospitality teams to enable them to provide additional out of hours support to student residents.
What about safety and security?
All our locations operate secure key or fob access systems, to gain entry into the building, flats and bedrooms. All properties are equipped with CCTV monitoring equipment and some properties have gated grounds and car parks.
Can I smoke?
You are not allowed to smoke in any Mansion Student property, including your individual bed-rooms, except for designated smoking areas. Your Hospitality Team can advise you where these are at your location.
Do I need a TV License?
You will need your own TV Licence if you watch or record programmes as they’re being shown on TV, or live on an online TV service, or if you download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer. This applies to any device, such as a TV set, laptop, desktop computer, tablet, mobile phone, games console, etc. Where a TV has been provided in the communal area of your flat, your licence for your bedroom will also cover you to watch this TV.
Do I need to pay Council Tax?
If you are a full-time student studying on a qualifying course, then you are likely to be council tax exempt for the length of your stay with us. However, we strongly recommend that you check with your University and/or local council as to the exact requirements. You will be required to provide Mansion Student with your University Student Number within a few days of your enrollment at University or College. You may also be required to provide a Council Tax Exemption Certificate.
Please see our section dedicated to Council Tax information.
Where do I do my washing?
We provide either a washer/dryer in your flat or coin-operated laundry facilities within your building.
What do I need to bring?
We have put together a list that gives you some idea of the useful and often forgotten items you may want to bring with you when moving into your new Mansion Student accommodation. Print this out and use it as a checklist to help you pack!
What about Insurance – do I need any?
Mansion Student may provide insurance for your personal possessions with Howden. If cover is provided at your accommodation you will find a link to the Howden block accommodation insurance policy below. Please click the link and read the policy carefully to understand exactly what cover is in place, noting any limitations or exclusions which apply.
2024/2025 Residents Cover
Ernest Place Contents Insurance
Mansion Place Contents Insurance
Peterson Hall Contents Insurance
Woodhouse Flats Contents Insurance
Austin Hall Contents Insurance
Asquith House Contents Insurance
Singer Hall Contents Insurance
Do I need to move out over the Christmas and Easter Holidays?
No. Over the holidays, you will have complete access to your room.
Can I bring a pet?
Pets of any description are not permitted within any of our properties. However, if you need to bring a service dog, then these arrangements will need to be made with the Hospitality Team in advance.
Properties in Scotland
You can find our Letting Agent Registration Number (LARN 2206001) and the Landlord’s Registration Number (currently pending) on our Peterson Hall property page.
You can also view the energy performance indicator for your flat.
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy (Scotland) for 24/25
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy (Scotland) for 25/26
Payments & Charges Information
Details of the dates of your payments and the amount of your payments are shown in your Offer.
Additional Fees and Charges
Utility Fee – where this is applicable, it is a one-off advance payment towards utility charges for the year. If it is to be charged, it will show on your tenancy agreement.
Car parking – if car parking is available at your chosen location, this will be subject to an additional agreement and additional charges, specific to your chosen location.
Termination of Tenancy Payment – £75
Variation of Tenancy Payment – £50
How do I make a payment?
We will accept your rent payment in a number of ways
You can visit the Hospitality Office at your chosen location and make a payment using your debit or credit card
Via the StuRents account as part of the on-line booking process. (Please note that the deadline for submitting these details for the 2023/24 academic year in time for your first rent payment is 10 days before your first payment is due.
What if I am using my Student Loan to pay my rent and I have not received by the rent due date?
If your student loan will not be paid to you in time to meet your rent payment dates, you may request to delay your rent payment. Please see the section below “Defer your Payment” for a full explanation of how you may do this.
Defer Your Payment
If you are planning to use your Student Loan to pay your rent during 2023/24 then you may wish to take advantage of Mansion Student’s deferment service.
How Does it Work?
We need to receive proof of your Student Loan payments and we will delay your rent due date until you receive your money. Simple as that!
Arranging a deferment
If you have selected to pay in three instalments and are in receipt of UK student finance, you have the option to defer your payment dates to be in line with when your payments are received.
If you wish to do this, please send the below documentation evidence to
Please also state which property you are booked in with.
Documentation must include:
A screenshot of the 3 MAINTENANCE LOAN dates
A screenshot of the ENTITLEMENT SUMMARY
For your maintenance loan, we must be able to clearly see the dates and amounts. For the entitlement summary, we need to be able to see your name and the total amount that you will receive.
Step 2: Accept the changes on your StuRents Account
Once we have approved the deferment, you will receive an email notification. It is very important that you click through this to accept the changes and finalise the process.
Until the deferment has been accepted you must adhere to the payment dates set out in the original contract. If you have not yet received the necessary documentation from the Student finance company then we are unable to defer, please call Student Finance to get this resolved.
Deferments can only be made for the dates specified on the entitlement summary. If you are unable to pay on that date or if the loan is late, then you would need to get in touch with the site on the due date explaining the situation.
Arranging your rent collection
Regardless of whether applying for a deferment, all residents need to set up a rent collection. If we have approved your deferment and have accepted the amended date, the rent collection will take place on your new dates.
If you have not already done this, please log onto your account or click through one of the reminder emails that was sent when your booking was confirmed.
If you need any help, please do contact us on 0800 6527844, selecting Option 3.
Student Loan
If you haven’t already applied for your loan, The Student Finance application process is straight forward – follow the links below for further information:
Student Finance UK:
Student Finance Wales:
Student Finance Northern Ireland:
Student Awards Agency for Scotland:
If you require any further information with regards to deferring your rent, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Managing your finance can be hard at university as you need to budget your money across a number of weeks – especially if you have a student loan. Head over to our Finance page to find some tips to help you manage your finances.
Cancellation Policy
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy for 24/25
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy (Scotland) for 24/25
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy for 25/26
Mansion Student Cancellation Policy (Scotland) for 25/26
Moving In Information
Can I move in without paying my first rent instalment?
No. All rent and any other payments due on or before your check in date must be paid. The only time this will not apply is if you have requested and received confirmation that your request to defer your rent payment date has been approved.
Please note: Our check-in is not 24-hours and you should always check with your Hospitality Team prior to your arrival to ensure that you can gain access to your accommodation.
Check-in Appointments
We offer check-in appointments and all residents who have booked with us will be notified will be sent a link by email. To ensure that your check-in is quick and simple, please ensure that you book an appointment so we know when to expect you.
Parking for Check-in
Where your location has a car park this will be made available for unloading your possessions; however, the length of stay may be restricted in accordance with the number of parking bays available. Your Hospitality Team will advise you.
Can I move in early?
This may be possible at some location but you should speak to the Hospitality Team at your chosen location in the first instance to discuss you requirements.
What do I need to bring with me on arrival?
Please ensure that all documentation requested by us has been fully signed and returned to us. Ensure that all payments due have been made and that you have provided a copy of your student loan schedule where applicable.
Failure to complete and return the necessary documents or payments will inevitably cause you and others delay at Check-in.
Please see our useful check list of other things you may wish to bring with you. Checklist.
What do I need to do next?
Ensure your contact details are up to date. If you have changed your email address, please update your account details through the Mansion Student APP. You will need to complete your ‘Check-in Registration Form’ within the first week which we will be sending to you by email once you have moved into your home.
Can I move rooms?
Should you wish to move rooms you must contact the Hospitality Team. They will, wherever possible try and accommodate your requirements. If you have signed your tenancy agreement, a £50.00 variation of tenancy payment will apply and must be paid prior to moving rooms. Please bear in mind that not all requests can be granted.
Moving Out Information
Moving out
When it comes to the moving out dates, Mansion Student will issue you with instructions covering the procedures to follow, arranging a check out inspection and will also advise on how your security deposit will be returned to you if applicable.
When it comes to checking out of your property with Mansion Student, you will sent a link to complete an online ‘Check Out Inspection’ of your room.
Visitor Moving Out Day Registration Form
Register up to two visitors to help you move out of your property on moving out day, fill out the following registration form
Living With Us
Do I need to move out over Christmas and Easter Holidays?
No. Over the holidays you will have complete access to your room.
Can I personalise my room?
You are responsible for ensuring that you leave your room and flat in the same condition that it was given to you. You will be asked to fill in and return a ‘Check-in Inspection Record’, to record the condition of your room within 48 hours of moving in. You must ensure that any personalisation of your room does not result in any damages or you may incur repair charges. The Hospitality Team will carry out room and flat inspections at the end of your contract and we would advise you to make an appointment for inspection well in advance.
Can I keep a fridge in my room?
Fridges are not permitted in bedrooms. Arrangements are provided in the kitchen to store chilled foods. If you have a medical condition which requires you to have a fridge in your room, evidence of this must be provided for the Hospitality Manager.
Can I bring my own washing machine/tumble dryer?
No. Laundry facilities are provided at every location.
Who is responsible for cleaning my flat?
It is a student’s own responsibility to clean their room and they are jointly responsible for cleaning their flat. The stairs and hallways outside the flats (communal areas) are cleaned on a regular basis by company cleaners. Some residences can offer an additional cleaning service for an agreed fee. At the end of the tenancy flats must be returned in good condition or additional charges may be levied.
Can I have guests to stay?
We do have restrictions and you should refer to your Accommodation Contract and Terms and Conditions.
Are there spare rooms for visitors to stay in?
No. However, the Hospitality Team will gladly assist with numbers for local hotels.
What cooking equipment is supplied?
For more information about cooking equipment refer to our Mansion Student Checklist
Is bedding supplied?
Bedding is not supplied. Please click here to refer to our Mansion Student Checklist
Where can I wash my clothes and bedding?
Laundry facilities are provided at every Mansion Student Location.
Where can I collect my post?
Your post will be delivered either directly to your flat or to your nominated post box. As this differs at each location, details of how to collect your post are available in your Welcome Book which is available via the Mansion Student App.
The Hospitality Team will usually take delivery of parcels on your behalf although Mansion Student cannot accept any responsibility for items that are lost or damaged.
Where can I smoke?
All Mansion Student Properties are No Smoking residences. Smoking areas are residence-specific, so please contact your Hospitality Team to check where you can smoke. As a general rule, there is no smoking in any shared areas, e.g. kitchen/lounges, common rooms, corridors, stairwells, lifts or office areas.
Will I be able to get online in my room?
Internet arrangements vary by residence; all residences have high-speed internet connections available.
Reporting maintenance issues
Simply log an issues on the MansionStudent App, raise any issues that you might be having with your room, property or just things you feel need to be fixed or improved.
Your personal maintenance ‘Welcome’ page allows you to view and monitor any and all faults you have reported that are still open, as well as any that have been completed in the last 30 days.
To report a new fault, you’ll want to browse the various fault categories, select the relevant category to view individual faults you might wish to report. Can’t find the fault you’re looking for? Select “Report Other/Misc Faults” from the menu and tell us what the problem is.
How to select a Fault to Report?
After selecting the category your fault fits into, the list will expand to show a list of specific faults that fit into that category. Browse the list, and click on the name of the fault to be taken to the relevant maintenance form.
If none of the faults listed fit in with your problem, don’t panic! Simply click on another category to browse other faults. If you still are not able to find what you need, click on “Report Other/Misc Fault” and tell us what your problem is.
Examples of this could be if an electricity socket is broken in your Lounge or the tiles are damaged in the Kitchen. Reporting which Common Area the fault is located in will help our staff narrow down the location of the fault you are experiencing in order to solve it more efficiently.
Important: In cases where a fault is located in a Common Area, please check with other tenants who share the area with you before reporting a fault. You should submit only one fault report per fault. Try not to report the same fault multiple times from every tenant who uses the Common Area. Submitting duplicate faults from different tenants may slow down the repair process.
Sending Feedback
As a resident in one of our Mansion student properties, your opinions are always important to us. When one of your faults has been resolved, we would love to hear your feedback on how the fault was handled and how we can make the process smoother in future.
On completion of your fault, you can email the Hospitality team with your feedback. We look forward to hearing from you.
Additional Help
If you are still having problems with using the system or reporting your faults, click the “Help” button in the top right area of the screen to be taken to the help page. The help page will provide you with contact e-mail addresses for help and support with using maintenance.
We also appreciate feedback on the usability of the system, and should you encounter any bugs while using the maintenance system please feel free to report those too including the steps our administrator should take to reproduce the error.
Will I be charged for Faults?
Also on the Help page, you will find a list of relevant fees and service charges for all kinds of faults and damages. This is taken straight from your tenancy agreement.
It’s important to be aware that students will not be charged for the majority of faults reported to our staff. Students will only be charged in cases where the fault is determined to have been caused directly by the actions of the tenant, either through misuse or negligence.
Wifi Information
WiFi is provided in all of our properties. Minimum base speed varies at each property. Click on Locations where you will find specific WiFi information detailed in the Features section for each property.
How much does it cost me?
The cost of WiFi is included in your rent so there is not extra charge.
Usage terms
Any tenant found to be misusing or abusing the use of Mansion Student internet / WiFi may be blocked from further usage.
Mansion Student retains the right to withdraw internet / WiFi usage at any time should it be deemed necessary.
Council Tax
What is Council Tax?
The Council Tax is set by local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales to pay for local services that they provide, such as rubbish collection, the police and the fire brigade.
As a student do I have to pay Council Tax?
Most students do not have to pay Council Tax, but some do. Therefore, it is worth taking time to check that you qualify for exemption. Guidance on whether or not you are exempt from Council Tax can be found by visiting the following link:
Please be aware that not all courses qualify for Council Tax exemption and you should check with your University or College.
Will Mansion Student charge me Council Tax?
Mansion Student will not charge Council Tax to any student who is exempt. However, if you do not qualify for exemption status, then Mansion Student will pass on the appropriate charge as raised by the council. It is very important that you check your status before you sign a Contract with us. It is your responsibility to provide us with a copy of your Council Tax Exemption Certificate.
How do I apply for a Council Tax Exemption Certificate?
Usually, the Admissions Office at your University/College/Institution will provide you with a Council Tax Exemption Certificate. Mansion Student may require a copy of this 7 days following your enrolment on your course.
What happens if my course does not qualify for Council Tax Exemption?
You will be required to pay the Council Tax charge on the property you are staying in.
I am an international student, does Council Tax affect me?
If you are in attendance at a University/College/Institution in the UK your course is classed as full-time then you are usually exempt from paying Council Tax.
However, not all courses qualify for the exemption and you should seek guidance from your University/College/Institution and refer to the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) via the following link: In some cases, where there are shorter courses for international students (Erasmus Students or Students on the Socrates Scheme) the Institution where you are studying can provide a letter of exemption which is also accepted by the Local Council. Please check with your Institution.
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