Exam Support

Studying at University is hard work, keeping motivated and looking after yourself during the exam period can be difficult and stressful. We’ve put together some information on exam support, containing a few simple hints and tips to get you through.
• You may feel under pressure to keep revising during the run-up to your exams, but it’s important to take frequent breaks, away from your desk and recharge. We only concentrate for 30 – 45 minutes at a time so go for a walk, 20-minute jog or even make a cup of tea – you’ll be amazed how you feel afterwards.
• Diet – it’s important that you eat well, avoiding too much caffeine or sugar. Foods such as bread, rice, fruit and veg help to maintain a good level of energy throughout the day.
• Plenty of fluids – drinking lots of water throughout the day will keep you hydrated but also make you feel better in return.
• Make sure that you still get plenty of sleep, having around 8 hours of sleep a night will make you feel refreshed for the next day ahead.
• Activities – take time out of your busy schedule to have some ‘me’ time! You’ll need it, catch up with friends, call and speak to a family member, take a walk, play some sport or even just read a book.
• If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need more exam support, then talking to either family or friends will help. There are support groups such as Student Space who offer a wealth of information and advice to support you through your University journey.
By looking after yourself during these times, you’ll be focused and full of energy when it’s time to sit your exams. Good luck!
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