Life in leeds

We caught up with Alex to find out a little bit more about studying at university in Leeds and what you can expect.
Alex's Story
What did you study?
I studied Psychology at Leeds Beckett University which was my first choice. I’d researched the area and heard that Leeds was a popular student city with lots of social events and opportunities for young people, which was my main attraction to the city.
Are there any tips you would give to anyone thinking of studying in Leeds?
My advice would be to make sure you book accommodation early in the year as this is the best chance you have to ensure you will enjoy where you stay. I would also advise to get involved with as many student events as you can, such as extracurricular activities, sports teams and try to attend the University socials and freshers’ fairs. It really does make such a difference and helps you settle in.
What is Leeds like?
It’s always busy, there’s so much to do and it’s very student orientated with lots of places offering student discounts and hosting student events. Everything is within walking distance and easily accessible, the universities are sat between the popular student housing areas and the city centre, so it’s easy to commute to.
If you were looking for student accommodation in Leeds what would be your top tips?
I would recommend researching which University campus you will likely to be based at and search for accommodation near there as some campuses are dotted around the city and beyond. If you would like to meet new people, I would recommend staying in a cluster flat like Woodhouse Flats as this is the easiest way to make friends. Make sure that the accommodation you choose has all the amenities you need so that your living experience is as comfortable as possible, but also remember to stick to your budget!
What was the biggest lesson you learnt about moving away from home?
The biggest lesson is that you are responsible for yourself, which will make you a lot more independent and allow you to learn new skills, such as learning to cook, clean, laundry and looking after yourself.
What was your secret find?
One of my secret finds was a place called the Dry Dock, which is a converted ship on land which sits opposite Leeds Beckett University, it is a casual place to go with friends for lunch in between lectures. Also, if you like history you can visit Kirkstall Abbey, which is free to visit.
Where’s the best place to go if you enjoy sports?
If you enjoy sports, you can visit Headingly Carnegie Stadium which is the home to Leeds Rhinos rugby team and more recently the England cricket series. Every year it also hosts the University varsity games, it’s a great atmosphere even if you’re not into sport.
How did you meet new people and make friends?
I met a lot of friends on university Facebook groups, university social events, events at my student accommodation and through friends from my course. To provide extra income whilst studying I worked for a student events company which allowed me to meet people from other universities in the city.
What was your essential item that you wouldn’t be without at university?
I would not be without my picture frames with photos of my friends and family from back home.
What was your favourite app?
My favourite app was an online calendar of all my lecture times and reminders for coursework and exams. I would have missed lectures without this! Also, I would say Deliveroo was my favourite food app for the days when I was studying and didn’t want to cook, or just for general lazy days. Deliveroo have great student offers too.
What’s your favourite memory about university?
The day I moved into my accommodation! My parents had just left, so me and my flat mates all went to explore the city together and get to know each other. I felt free and independent and couldn’t wait to see what the next 3 years had in store for me.
What did you enjoy most about university life?
I enjoyed the independence of living away from home for the first time, meeting new people and having to adapt to sharing my environment with people that I have never met before – it was a very exciting time. The location of the university was ideal, there is such a great student atmosphere, with so much to do and a lot of extracurricular activities that you can join through the student’s union.
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