Book a viewing

Viewing a property before you book, allows you to make sure it meets all your needs and requirements before committing to booking your student accommodation at your chosen university.
Check out your preferred location from the drop-down menu above. Please note, many of our sites are fully occupied so the room that we show you during your viewing may not actually be the room that you book so specifications, layout and dimensions may differ.
Viewings can be arranged in person, or virtually at all our properties. To arrange a viewing enquire now specifying a convenient date and time and our team will contact you to confirm arrangements. Alternatively, many of our student accommodation properties feature various images and 360 tours of rooms and amenities on site so you can do a virtual tour. Check out your preferred location from the drop-down menu above. Please note, many of our sites are fully occupied so the room that we show you during your viewing may not actually be the room that you book so specifications, layout and dimensions may differ.
How do I cancel or re-arrange my viewing?
If you wish to cancel or re-arrange your viewing, please contact the Hospitality Team at your chosen location or call our dedicated enquiry line on 0800 652 7844.
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