
Student looking at advice on his phone
Book A Viewing

Viewing a property before you book, allows you to make sure it meets all your needs and requirements. Check out our article on all the information you need when booking a viewing.

  • A smiling young woman sitting on a bed with a laptop, notepad, and smartphone, engaged in work or study in a bright, modern room.
    Booking And Cancellation

    Check out our article which details the steps you need to secure your room with Mansion Student.

  • Student sitting at the desk on her laptop
    Payment Options

    Find out the different payment options available to make the process as simple and easy as possible.

  • Student on laptop with mum and dad
    Guarantor & Parent Support

    We understand the importance of providing peace of mind, read our article on the role of the guarantor and parental support.

  • Woman holding yellow suitcase on a yellow background
    Moving Into Your New Home

    Everything you need to know about moving into your new home at Mansion Student.

  • Mansion student app
    Mansion Student App

    Easy to use the app. The app allows you to keep in touch with your fellow residents, report maintenance issues and review your tenancy documents.

  • Smiling woman packing items for her university stay
    Moving Out

    View our checklist when your tenancy comes to an end.

  • Student accommodation building ernest place durham
    Anuk/unipol National Code Of Standards For Student Accommodation

    Check out our article to learn more about the ANUK National Code of Standards.

  • Student outside with a face mask on her phone
    Covid Update

    Mansion Student is committed to the wellbeing and health of all our residents.

  • Question marks
    Frequently Asked Questions

    We've put together some important frequently asked questions.

  • Students fist bumping
    Partnerships With Mansion Student

    Our partnerships with a number of leading companies provide and help our student's experience is as smooth as possible. Find out more in this article.